Uses and Misuses of a Mobile Phone

Uses and Misuses of a Mobile phone

Mobile phones have been a boon to humans. But have we used them correctly? This article will answer that by stating the uses and misuse of a mobile phone.

Mobile phones and specifically smartphones first came into use about 20 years ago. Since then, mobile phones have changed the way we interact with each other. There are uses for a smartphone surely, but there are misuses too.

Uses of a smartphone

When we talk about the uses or the misuse, we are talking about the uses of a smartphone and not a regular phone.

Can reach anywhere

With mobile phones you can contact any person in the world, he may be located in any corner of the world.

Reaching people located away from us was a distant dream years ago. However, with the invention of mobile phones, we can reach people located in any corner of the world. With messaging, calling, or e-mail we can transmit information in a fraction of a second.

This is useful for families who have been separated due to work or other causes. A mobile phone has no boundaries.

Never miss out on work

With mobile phones, you are never out of resources for work!

Mobile phones have a ton of apps that help you in doing your work even without your desktop or laptop. You have apps like google drive, which you can use on your mobile and connect to your work.

Promoting business

A mobile helps your business prosper through social media apps or google my business!

A mobile phone lets you post about your business 24×7 on social media or on google my business. These are some of the perfect tools to get your business on top. You can always post new offers about your business or your portfolio. You can also interact with your consumers through social media.

Also, you can text message them about attractive offers or deals. These texts let you connect to your clients at all times.

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No more hassle with routes

Mobile phones help you find out the route to any destination that you wish to go!

How easy has our life become after google maps? Through a mobile phone, by using navigation apps you can find a route to any destination that you wish. It also comes with GPS where you track your location while visiting your destination.

These are for people who are visitors to a city or businessmen who have clients to visit but do not have an idea about the route to their location. The location apps on mobile phones have also enhanced the security of a woman, as now they can share their location while in a cab with their friends or family.


Finding top teachers or education is now just a click away with the advent of smartphones!

There were times when students from villages could not find the right education as there were no schools or proper colleges in their village. With mobile phones, you can reach out to any famous university through online courses. You can literally take the most famous courses just by sitting at your home.

Also, you can watch a class or lesson multiple times and can download materials, which cuts your education cost by a huge margin.

Entertainment on your fingertip

Entertainment is always in your pocket with mobile phones!

You talk about any type of entertainment and it is available on your mobile phones. Movies, sports, music, podcasts, games you name it, and will be there on your mobile phones. Gone are the days when you had to visit cinema theatres or had to buy iPods for music. Now music or entertainment is at your fingertip.

Misuses of a mobile phone

A coin has two sides and so does every great gadget. Gadgets do have multiple uses, but some people misuse them too. Here are some of the misuses of a mobile phone.

Scamming people

Most scams are carried out using mobile phones!

Criminals or thieves have abandoned the regular crime methods, which are physical ways. Criminals have become smart and are now scamming people through mobile phones. Many people pose as big companies and take people’s personal information like credit or debit card numbers and take their OTPs to steal their money.

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Unethical use of cameras

Cameras were invented for people to take their photos and share with friends, whereas people use them to take illicit pictures of people!

There have been many cases where people took unethical pictures of girls or women and surfaced them on the internet. Also, many hotels especially in India were found guilty of using cameras in their hotel rooms and recording personal videos of couples. Cameras have also been held guilty of taking manipulative photos of people or later editing them.

Every good thing has a bad side and so does a mobile phone. Yes, it does offer ease in many ways, but mobile phones do have misuse too, which cannot be ignored. We request our audience to use mobile phones responsibly and avoid misuse of it.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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