Technology in Sports: All the Advancements

Effects of Technology in Sports

Technology has made huge changes to the world around us, including sports. It has changed the way we experience sports and even for the ones who play them.

Technology has taken a leap in making human’s life easier. It has changed the way we experience things around us, including sports. Sports is a mixture of hard-work, dedication and entertainment at its highest level. The viewers of sports, be it any sport, have high expectations of the viewing experience and technology has played a huge role in meeting them. Each day technology is revolutionizing sports by bringing in new technologies.

We in this particular article will see how has technology contributed to sports and how the viewers or the sportsperson have benefited from it.

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Performance tracking

Sensors are being used by placing them on the player’s body or in clothes to track their performance!

The sensors placed on the player’s body give real-time information on the performance of a player. These sensors almost track every aspect of a player like breathing, heart rate, speed while running, temperature and hydration.

These stats of players give their coach insights into how the player is performing and where he needs to improve. The improvement too can be measured by these same performance-tracking devices.

Analysing yourself or the competitor

Analysing your performance is now easy with the advancement of technology!

Previously before the advent of smartphones or video devices, players had a coach or their friends to tell them how they performed. Now, with the advent of smartphones or apps like youtube, it is easy and very convenient for players to watch their performance and improve.

Analysing an opponent is the most important aspect of performing better in sports. In sports like cricket, if you are a bowler you need to analyse the strong points of the opponent’s best batter and devise a strategy to tackle it. A dedicated sportsperson in this generation can easily succeed provided he uses his resources and time well, that is to analyse his performance or his opponent’s performance.

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Technology as an assistant to the umpires

Technology sees what a human, i.e umpire cannot see!

When we say technology has revolutionized sports, we did mean it. Technology has become an assistant to umpires. A human is after all a human who can falter sometimes, his abilities to see or judge things are limited. The limitations of technology, however, are nowhere bound to confusion. Technology is bound by certain rules, which it follows diligently. It is tough for a human to see all that happens on a sports field and so humans have brought in technology.

Through technology, umpires can replay a moment through different angles several times and hence give an accurate decision. It also through its data sees what a normal person cannot see. Like in cricket LBWs are judged by keeping in mind the bounce in the pitch, the spin or the height of the release of the ball. An umpire cannot accurately judge all these factors, hence he takes assistance from technology.

Better viewing experience

Technology has become so advanced that we can view almost all the angles of a particular moment!

From newspapers to radios to television to mobile phones, the sports viewing experience has come a long way and has only improved with time like old wine. There was a time when we used to get scores through newspaper and then the commentary through radio, after that we could watch the match on TV, first in black and white and then colour TV. Today we can watch a match several times in HD quality. We can relieve the best sports moments at any time.

Also previously there was just one angle for capturing a match. Now, we have several cameras focused on a particular moment including the spider cam that captures visuals from an aerial angle. With so many cameras and angles, it is hard to miss a moment in the match.

Reduces injuries

The sensors enable a player’s moments like breathing, heart rate and endurance which helps their coaches prepare the best diet for them.

These factors collected by performance trackers and the replays help the coaches in figuring out the seriousness of an injury. Also, the technology used in the analysis and the recovery of an injury has reduced the time taken for recovery by a significant margin. Also, technology has enabled people with disabilities in playing sports and playing better than others.

The grounds and the game too have been revolutionized using technology. The grounds have huge lights and special technology to dry the fields used for games in cases of rain. We have seen in cricket in Australia they have started drop-in pitches that neutralized the gaming conditions for the two teams. This was a big leap in the technology of cricket.

Technology has brought a huge transformation in each field and sports is no exception. Sports have seen some huge advancements in the use of technology. Let us hope the technology does not alter the sport in a way that the user loses interest in it, as the technology should not overpower the play. It has to make advancements but should be limited to its betterment only.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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