5 Technology Advancements in Healthcare Industry

Technology Advancements in Healthcare Industry

Technology has changed almost all sectors for the good or the worse, including the healthcare sector. However, if there’s a sector where each person is expecting innovation and to impact positively, it is healthcare. Everyone wants to see improvements or innovations in healthcare to fasten the healing process of the body, extend the lifespan, or ease the visit to a hospital.

Healthcare is a sector that should never run out of innovation. We need regular, intensive research and development in the healthcare sector to ensure our and our future generation’s well-being. A pandemic like the Corona can only be avoided by early prediction of it and then taking relevant steps in the development of its cure.  We never really know when a sudden pandemic can hit us.

Also, what is the use of technology which has been invented through hard work, research, and a lot of thinking, if we cannot work towards better health, a better body or brain? That is the reason experts and scientists have put in a lot of work in making technological advancements in healthcare.

Below we have listed 5 advancements in healthcare technology that have greatly contributed to mankind.

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Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence is a good friend of humans, as it automates or eases the strain of performing an important task!

A decade or 2 ago, people predicted that machines would overpower humans. Today people believe the technology to overpower humans has arrived in the form of artificial technology. Artificial Intelligence processes real-time data and responds according to that. AI helps predict the condition and the disease of a patient and its seriousness. It helps the doctor in making an informed decision.

AI also helps in easing up administrative tasks, by cleverly managing the records of patients. AI groups the data of the patient and then gives out a decision based on the analysis of the data. This eases the work of a doctor. AI also helps in tracking the heartbeat of individuals through gadgets like smartwatches. All in all, we can say that AI is here to stay and we may see more innovations soon.

2. Apps to Manage Health

Health apps help in fitness, diet, and also in connecting to a doctor!

Apps in the healthcare sector do more than give fitness tips or motivation. Some apps can manage your diet, apps that can track your fitness goals, apps that track fitness devices like a smartwatch, and apps that count your steps and set goals for you. There are also apps where you can reach out to doctors and consult online. Many healthcare apps give prescriptions to patients and also a chance to consult with the best doctors in the world.

Here are the top 7 apps in healthcare in 2022:

1. Generis- Nutrition

2. Teladoc- Access to a doctor  

3. Better help- Counselling app

4. MDacne- Treatment for acne

5. MySugr- Tracker for diabetes

6. Eyecare Live- To connect with an eye care specialist

7. Heal- Contact a physician for a house call

3. Wearable Gadgets in Healthcare

Wearable gadgets or sensors are the peaks of technological advancement in healthcare!

These wearable devices record almost all of your activities which include the rhythm of the heart, blood pressure, etc. Certain wearable devices like the ones used to track your heart rhythm have actually contributed to predicting heart attacks and saving the lives of many individuals. Recently a man was in the news as his Iwatch sent a signal to the emergency contact number after he met with an accident when his heart rate increased rapidly. Due to the Iwatch, that person could save his life.

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4. Nanotechnology:

Nanotechnology has been a big boost to healthcare. Nanotechnology helps in acting before a disease has appeared or targeting particular cells without harming others.

Smart pills developed using Nanotechnology are injected into the body to detect diseases before they even show any symptoms. Another use of nanotechnology is the precise targeting of harmful cells. When a person is affected with cancer, the cancer cells need to be removed from the body. The problem with the traditional method was that in targetting a specific cell, other healthy cells too were damaged. With Nanotechnology the identification and targeting of specific cells.

5. 3D printing

Educating patients is an important thing in the treatment of different diseases or performing surgeries.

3D printing in healthcare lets medical professionals prepare models of body parts and then educate patients. Educating patients is an important thing in the treatment of different diseases or performing surgeries as it builds trust between the doctor and the patient.

3D printing can also be used in educating students and in preparing different 3D structures to help understand different parts of the body.

Technology has been so advanced that it may even replace humans shortly. Healthcare too has advanced technology but still, there are aspects where we are lacking, like a cure for cancer or deadly diseases like AIDS. We still have a long way to go and hope we cover the distance soon.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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