Reduce Sugar Levels in Blood with these Tips

Reduce sugar levels in blood by following these tips

People who think ahead of their time stay ahead of time. Try to reduce sugar levels in your blood before it’s too late and you are prone to diabetes. This guide will show you how to reduce sugar levels in the blood before it’s too late.

However, before learning to reduce sugar levels in your blood, let us learn why you need to reduce sugar levels. How do high sugar levels affect your body?

Higher sugar levels in your blood cause pre-diabetes or diabetes. Diabetes is a deadly disease which does not have a cure as of today. According to the WHO( World health organization), diabetes was the reason for 1.5 million deaths in 2019. Diabetes can only be managed through medications and exercises and has no real cure. It is better to be cautious before you get into the disease.

Your body does have the natural ability to manage sugar levels, through insulin but certain internal or external conditions can impair its ability. Internal causes such as low production of insulin, the insulin losing its capability to manage sugar levels, increases blood sugar levels. External causes include stress, unhealthy lifestyle or certain medications.

Now that we know the causes of higher blood sugar levels, let’s learn how to reduce them.

How to reduce sugar levels in blood?

Taking action before time is important for you to manage deadly diseases like diabetes. If you are worried about the increase in sugar levels, then do consider the below ways to reduce them.

1. Exercise

Exercise increases insulin sensitivity which makes it easier for insulin to use blood sugar effectively. It also helps you maintain a moderate weight, which helps in the management of blood sugar. Exercise also uses sugar or glucose for energy and muscle contraction.

Researchers too have suggested taking breaks during your work called exercise snacks. A little exercise between all-day work, usually works that involve long hours of sitting, allows blood circulation and an increase in insulin sensitivity.

2. Monitor your carbs

Carbs strongly influence your blood sugar levels and overall health too. Carbs break into sugar and mostly glucose, which is used by insulin as energy. But it can only take up a certain amount and so bulk addition of carbs can impair the ability of insulin to manage blood sugar levels.

People with diabetes are usually advised to manage their carbs. So, even if you do not have diabetes, but think that you are consuming too much carb, then do consider lowering the intake. Lowering the intake of carbs does not mean you stop eating them at all. You do need carbs for energy, it is just about managing the level of carb intake. Also, consider having whole grains over processed carbs, as they add nutritional value, which decreases blood sugar levels.

3. Add fibre to your diet

Fibre intake is associated with the slowing down of the process of carb digestion and sugar absorption. Fibres are of two types, insoluble and soluble and both can be included in the diet. However, soluble fibre is known to manage blood sugar levels while insoluble fibre wasn’t that effective.

Having vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains, is associated with the management of blood sugar levels. Consider having a diet with soluble fibre and low in carbs to manage blood sugar levels.

4. Manage stress

Stress is a top contender in major conditions or diseases. Stress highly affects blood sugar levels. In times of stress, your body releases glucagon and cortisol hormones, which cause blood sugar levels to rise. Keeping peace with yourself through exercises or medication can help you manage stress, and in turn, manage blood sugar levels.

Take some time off from your busy life to reduce stress or start yoga to manage stress levels and manage blood sugar levels.

5. Stay hydrated

Keeping yourself hydrated all day can help you manage your blood sugar levels along with many other benefits.

Drinking a lot of water also helps the kidneys in flushing out all the excess sugar present in your body. Water is a zero-calorie drink and hence helps in managing blood sugar levels. Keep in mind to prefer drinks that have close to zero calories or zero sugar to help you lower blood sugar.

Diabetes has been on a rise, not only in aged people but young people too. Previously diabetes was prevalent in mostly aged people, but with time it has become prevalent in the younger generation too. People need to be aware of what they are consuming to curb deadly conditions like diabetes. Do not wait for your blood sugar levels to reach the diabetes stage, instead try to control it beforehand.

Lifestyle change is what the younger generation requires to lead a healthy life which is not influenced by conditions like diabetes. Unhealthy habits can crown you with the burden of taking tablets for your lifetime, which won’t be long either.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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