5 Reasons to quit smoking! We bet you didn’t know the Second one!

Reasons to quit smoking

When you smoked your first cigarette, then also you knew that it is not good for your health, but you did it anyway as you thought that just smoking 1 cigarette won’t cause you much harm. You might have smoked it out of curiosity or in peer pressure. That 1 cigarette turned into a habit, then an obsession, and now it is an important part of your life, though you despise it.

Now you are so obsessed with smoking that you need strong reasons to separate it from your life. Stronger reasons than breaking up with your toxic lover. But you are not allowed to worry about these reasons, as we are here to do that for you. The below list will give you strong reasons that will help you stick with your decision of quitting smoking.

Here they are:

1. Prevent cancer:

Smoking causes cancer and it is a known fact. But did you know that it not only causes cancer but also plays a role in other respiratory diseases too? This is because the air we breathe is an essential part of our life and when that element which is very important in living is contaminated then our body starts to give up.

Smoking not only causes lung cancer but has a part to play in 15 different types of cancers because it releases close to 15 toxic chemicals into your body. So the only viable solution to prevent cancer is quitting smoking. Reducing cigarettes won’t help you much, permanent quitting is the only solution to preventing cancer. Take the right step in keeping yourself healthy today by quitting smoking.

2. Taste like never before

Smoking disrupts the taste buds on your tongue and so when you are in the phase of smoking you wouldn’t be able to taste the food at its best. When you are into smoking, food doesn’t interest you much and it also doesn’t taste any better as the taste buds are damaged. Also, smoking has been known to disrupt your craving for food.

A week after you quit smoking, you will realize the real taste of different foods as the taste buds begin to heal. Also, you will crave different kinds of tastes and that will force you in eating different kinds of food. At first, you can let your taste buds, enjoy the newfound taste, but be careful as you would not want to fall into another trap, i.e. of overeating.

3. Improve your immune system:

Smoking weakens your immune system, which lets bacteria conquer your body. Smoking regularly weakens your body and hence it loses its ability to fight different microorganisms. While smoking you might encounter cold and cough on a regular basis.

Quitting smoking might at first cause cough and that is not a disadvantage as it is our body’s natural way of clearing lungs from toxic air and mucus. Weeks after quitting smoking you will feel active, and healthier and your body will have more power in fighting the diseases. Also, you will have more energy and stamina and can run long distances and perform different exercises regularly.

4. Will help you sleep better:

Sleeping is all about having a naturally tired mind which needs rest. But smokers do not have a naturally tired mind, rather smoking alters the state of mind of individuals by inducing toxic chemicals. A cigarette does give its consumers a temporary active state to work on important projects, but that gives more harm than benefit.

It does temporarily make your brain active, but in the long run, you realize that your brain is more tired than ever and you will find it very difficult to sleep. Once you quit, you will find that you are sleeping early and also having a very good sleep, which lets you feel active all day. A good night’s sleep has more worth than gold coins, so do prefer it.

5. Save your money

A cigarette might cost 15 or 20 rupees, but how often do you spend these 15 or 20 rupees is the question. The 15 or 20 rupees of buying cigarettes apply the reverse compounding effect. It keeps on compounding cigarette by cigarette and day by day. Let’s say you smoke 5 cigarettes a day which comes closer to 100 a day and more than 3,000 a month, which goes to 36,000 a year.

If you invest the same amount in the best stocks or in your retirement, you will be much happier. Also, other than the cost of smoking, you may also encounter the cost of hospital visits to cure the diseases that are caused due to smoking. If you calculate all these expenses and invest in yourself for your future endeavors or even if you calculate that amount and keep it to yourself let’s say for travel, then you will be much happier and healthier.

Quitting smoking has only benefits and no disadvantages, so there is no harm in quitting it. If you are unable to quit for obvious reasons, wait for our next blog where we will help you with real-life tested techniques that are 100% effective in quitting smoking. Quit smoking and develop a healthy lifestyle by following healthy lifestyle tips.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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