Should you buy an Electric Vehicle? See the Pros and Cons

The pros and cons of buying an electric vehicle.

The sale of electric vehicles increased 5x after the center made it clear that electric vehicles are the future of mobility in the Union budget 2022-23. However, despite the 5x increase in sales, EV penetration is still low at 0.8 percent.

We know the EVs are eco-friendly but then, why are the sales not reflecting the expected increase? This article will try to find the reasons behind the slow rise in EV sales by comparing the pros and cons of owning an electric vehicle.

Pros and Cons of Buying an Electric Vehicle

The hue and cry surrounding the increase in pollution and global warming hit us all hard and people started searching for solutions. We started analyzing the cause of pollution, and one of the major reasons was the pollution caused by gases emitted from vehicles. That is when the idea of electric vehicles struck us. However, are we ready for EV vehicles is the question, or is the EV good enough to combat pollution and replace the regular vehicles which use fossil fuels to generate energy?

Of course, EVs are good to combat pollution, but then why are people hesitant to buy them? One of the reasons for people’s hesitancy is they are not aware of the pros and cons of buying an EV. You do not have to worry about them as long as you are following our blog. We have come up with a fine list of pros and cons of owning an EV.

Pros of owning an EV

  •  One of the major pros of owning an EV and also the reason for Evs’ existence is that they are pollution free and hence they are promoted all over the world. The EVs do not emit any harmful gases into the environment and hence you can have a fun, and eco-friendly ride
  • As we know that EVs are eco-friendly, the government and leaders around the world are promoting them. They are urging people to replace usual vehicles with EVs. Some of the state governments have introduced subsidiaries to EV owners, like waiving RTO fees or road taxes. These subsidiaries will definitely entice people in choosing EVs.
  • EVs offer more acceleration power compared to ICE-powered vehicles. To start a normal vehicle, like the ICE-powered vehicle, you will really need to press on the accelerator to move it. The EVs on the other hand produce maximum torque and hence, can move in an instant.
  • The regular problem that we encounter with ICE-powered vehicles is their service costs. The regular engine of an ICE-powered vehicle regularly needs maintenance, while an EV vehicle barely needs servicing in a while. Also, the cost of service of an electric vehicle is relatively lower.
  •  EVs not only save the environment from air pollution, but it also saves the environment from noise pollution. You might have encountered an EV on the roads and noticed that it barely makes a sound. We Indians know how irritating the honking or the sound of vehicles on the road gets. In this regard, the EV is a big boost.

Cons of an Electric Vehicle

  • EVs are definitely considered eco-friendly as they do not emit harmful gases. However, the power grid that powers an EV battery is powered by fossil fuels. Also, an EV has a ton of electronic waste which is usually dumped inside the earth. These electronic wastes are hazardous to the environment. So, we cannot be entirely sure if EVs are eco-friendly.
  • The starting prices of an EV are relatively higher than the  ICE-powered vehicles. One of the major reasons for its higher cost is the cost of its battery.
  • EV batteries are made out of elements like lithium, cobalt, and nickel which are extracted from the earth and hence the extraction process involves a lot of pollution and also an extra cost.
  • EV owners also have a major concern, especially in India, of the shortage of proper infrastructure. There are only a few proper EV charging units. The change or the shift in the infrastructure for an EV will take time.
  • Another consequence of new products in the market is the unavailability of spare parts. The EV owners have a tough time finding spare parts for their vehicles and even if they find them, they tend to be costlier.
  • People are not sure of the safety of EVs. There have been cases of Electric scooters catching fire.

We do admit that EVs have been promoted by world leaders as an alternative to pollution-causing vehicles. It does to an extent fill that purpose, but not wholeheartedly, as an EV too affects the environment and is not completely environment friendly. EVs are also very costly. People did assume that electric-powered vehicles as an alternative to the vehicles that run on costly petrol. However, the initial cost of an EV is comparatively higher than that of ICE-powered vehicles.

Our advice would be to wait for a few more months or years, as the competition for EV vehicles will increase and so the cost will go down. Also, the infrastructure is expected to improve. Wait a bit, before you buy an EV.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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