8 Must-have Apps on iPhone

Must have apps on your iphone

People love to have a lot of options. Correct, but do people love to choose between a lot of good options? Well, we don’t think so, while having plenty of options is great, having to choose the best option among thousands is a big headache. That is the reason this article is here right before you to help you choose a few good must-have apps among thousands on your iPhone.

There is a reason our phones are called smartphones and so you should definitely let it be a smartphone rather than making it a dumbphone by installing a ton of useless apps. This article will help you realize the potential of your smartphone with super smart apps.

There are a few apps that automatically fit into this category like Instagram or WhatsApp, so we won’t be discussing the obvious ones, rather will try to cover apps that are not specifically famous for entertainment but their usefulness.

1. Buffer:

Social media have come a long way from entertainment to earning money. Buffer is a helpful assistant for people who like to be ahead on social media with timely posts, and also for people who have their businesses listed on social media sites.

Buffer lets people schedule posts for different social media platforms and another good feature is that it also shows insights into your posts. So, rather than spending too much of your time posting on different social media sites, you can order Buffer to do it for you.

2. BillGuard:

Do you think of spending less at the start of the month, but your bank balance at the end of the month totally contradicts it? Then this app is a must for you, as this will help you track and manage your expenses. Also, this app will help you in keeping your spending habits in check by notifying you about irregular spending and also the charges that you are incurring for services that you no longer use. You can also look at alternatives for the best money management apps if you do not like BillGuard.

3. Fooducate:

How many food products claim to be full of health and how many of them really are? This app, Fooducate educates about the nutritional value of a food product that you are buying at the mart. When you scan the barcode on the wrapper of a product, you will see the grade of the product and also the reason for the product being healthy or unhealthy. Add it to your wishlist for healthy eating.

4. Sleep cycle:

Having a boring alarm clock on a smartphone sounds so dumb, and so we have Sleep cycle. The sleep cycle is a new-age smart alarm clock that you don’t need to calculate and tell when you want to wake up. The sleep cycle analyses your sleep throughout the night and then selects a time when you are in the lightest sleep to wake you up. You just need to set a time frame like an hour between 6 to 7 or 7 to 8 when you want to wake up. It will ring in between the time frame that you have set, i.e when you won’t feel groggy or irritated to wake up.

5. Dropbox:

An app that offers cloud services, wherein you can view your files anywhere anytime on your mobile, tablet, or PC. All you need to view the files is an internet connection. You might be aware of google drive, which is also a good app, but in case you want to try a different one, then you can try Dropbox.

6. MyFitnessPal:

There are a ton of apps in this particular category that provides tips and also track your fitness goal. But this one is a bit different and effective too. MyFitnessPal lets you set realistic goals and also diet or plan to achieve those goals.

MyFitnessPal lets you record the meals that you are having and calculates the intake of calories. It also tracks the number of calories burnt when you exercise. On the basis of all these factors, it suggests fitness goals.  This is definitely your go-to app if you want to maintain your fitness. Use the app and also follow the best lifestyle tips to stay healthy.

7. Shazam:

Ever hummed a song but could not remember the name of the song and hence could not find the full song on the internet? Then this app is definitely for you and for me too as I too am on that list. Shazam records your voice or the song line and identifies the song that you were humming. It is a great app for music lovers like us.

8. Google Maps:

Yeah, we know that iPhone has its navigation app that is called Maps. Maps have been known for their bugs and navigation, bugs can be unbearable. Google Maps offer a great UI for navigating between places. Also, maps from Apple can never match the popularity and range of Google Maps. Even Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple has said that Google Maps are better than maps from Apple. So, Apple users set aside their egos and download google maps as soon as possible.

Get your hands on your iPhone and download these must-have apps today. Also, for more such articles, follow our blog regularly.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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