Top 5 Meditation Apps to Slow You Down

Top Meditation Apps that will help you slow down

Meditation, a simple yet difficult to consistently practice technique helps to lead a peaceful life with many other benefits!

But, what exactly is Meditation and How do we do it?

Meditation is a technique where you sit silently for some time and try to calm your mind. Meditation in ancient times was used for spiritual enlightenment. However, with time people realized the importance of meditation and so have started meditating to calm their minds, improve breathing, improve memory, and many more.

Benefits of Meditation

Here are some of the benefits of meditation:

Gives you a pause

Meditation helps you stop and reflect on your life. We lead a hectic life with lots of work all day. We don’t get a moment to sit back and reflect on our day. A little meditation each day helps you reflect on your day and to look back at the moments you should be grateful for.

Reduces stress

Stress is the reason most people start meditating. Practicing meditation each day brings you peace and helps you lead a happier life. According to a study conducted in 2014, practicing meditation helps you relieve stress and also improves you overall.

Improves memory

Meditations like mindfulness meditation are believed to improve memory in individuals. Students can consider practicing meditation to help with their studies too by improving memory.

Knowing yourself

Regular meditation gives you a greater sense of self and so you start analyzing your personality closely. It helps you understand yourself when you have your thoughts organized and can view them closely without judging them. This improved self-knowledge helps you be happy and content with yourself and also helps in dealing with depression.

Improves focus

Practicing meditation regularly helps you concentrate on a task for a longer time and hence improves your focus. When you meditate regularly, you become better at controlling your thoughts and hence this becomes a habit in your regular tasks too.

Helps in dealing with addictions

Meditation helps you in developing control over your mind and habits. You already know that addictions are bad for you, all you needed was a little self-control which you gain through meditation.

Improves sleep

Regular meditation helps you clear your mind and hence have a peaceful sleep. Insomnia has become common among the coming generation. Practicing regular meditation helps you duck through the circling thoughts and hence sleep instantly and for a longer duration.

Best Meditation Apps for you

Now that we have understood how important meditation is, let us go through some of the best meditation apps.

1. Headspace:

This app is on each person’s mind who wants to try meditation or is practicing meditation. Headspace helps you practice different types of meditation. The app guides you through different types of meditation.  It is a free app that is easy to use, but the features in the basic version are limited and that is the only flipside of this great app. However, you can also avail a free trial of 14 days before subscribing.

2. Breethe

A 5-minute guided meditation from the Breethe app helps you lead a peaceful, stress-free life. Guided meditation through songs helps you in improving sleep. The app comes with loads of benefits and a free trial of 14 days before you want to subscribe to it.

3. Calm

The Calm app helps you in practicing meditation and exercises. The app comes with a pack of benefits which includes Calm kids section for kids aged between 3 to 17, mindful walking meditation, and calming exercises. The sleep stories in the app help you sleep. The app is easy to use and also connects to your Apple watch.

4. Buddhify

The buddhify app comes up with a long list of meditations with different targets. The app has designed meditations for each type of problem or condition. The app has close to 200 types of meditation to manage different types of emotions. It also comes up with timers for non-guided meditation. The only flipside to the app is that it does not come with any free trial.

5. IBreathe

The last but definitely not the least one on our list as it comes with a pack of benefits for no cost at all. All the other apps before this one were good, but they all require you to pay whereas that’s not the case with IBreathe.

This app gives you control over your meditation as with it you can customize session lengths, cycles of breathing, and breathing intervals. This app is best for people looking for a simple meditation app for deep breathing exercises. The app doesn’t cost you anything unless you want to remove ads from it.

The above were some of the best apps for meditation. Apps help you meditate better as the voice command guides you through it. Also, the serene music in these apps calms your mind. Another benefit of practicing meditation through apps is that you can keep track of your meditation sessions and analyze your performance over time.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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