Importance of Mental Health in Leading a Successful Life

Importance of Mental Health in leading a successful life

The trend of fitness or health importance is at its highest level. Almost every individual is going to the gym to get the best physique possible, but are we giving the same kind of importance to mental health? Do we even need to give the same kind of importance to mental health?

Mental health should be given equal importance as physical health if not more. But why?

Let’s see an example,

You chose a car that is very well designed and very stylish, similar to your body or physique. But the car does not have a very good working engine. Will you buy the car just for its look and avoid the engine that is in its worst condition?

The same thing goes for humans. No matter how good a person’s physique is, if he does not have good well balanced mental health, it becomes tough for him to succeed in his career or be happy. A kind of stigma is attached to mental health. The way you can have problems with your body like suffering from fever or getting a stomach ache, your mental health too can sometimes get affected.

Importance of Mental health

A person suffering from mental health issues needs someone to listen to him. But the problem is that mental issues have not been given much importance and people with mental health issues are termed as mentally retarded. So people do not come out and openly talk about it.

Below listed points will help you realize how important your mental health is

1. Mental health is important for healthy relationships

Mental health is the #1 factor in breaking lasting relationships. Mental health impacts your interaction with your loved ones. When your mind is not clear, you do not have sound mental health, you won’t be able to interact with your loved ones properly. Mental health may result in passive aggression and hostility. It may also result in an incapacity to participate in social activities.

An unclear mind, that is impacted by poor mental health, may result in conflict with your loved ones and will result in the breaking up of a long-lasting relationship. One piece of advice to deal with conflict due to poor mental health could be to talk to your partner about your feelings. Sharing your trauma or problems can lower your stress levels.

2. Mental health affects your physical health

Poor mental health will also affect you physically. Researchers from time and again have shown that poor mental health is the cause of many diseases and at least alleviates them. Stress has been linked to binge eating, leading to several problems like obesity. Stress has also been linked to greying of hair or hair fall. Healthy lifestyle tips are also important for maintaining mental as well as physical health.

3. Mental health impacts your work

Poor mental health is associated with decreased efficiency and productivity. When you are not 100% mentally fit, you won’t be able to concentrate on your work and hence it can heavily impact your work. Even the top companies do not consider mental health as important and hence do not provide breaks that may be needed to improve one’s mental health.

Sadly, even the wealthiest or the so-called smartest people do not consider mental health as important. Though, nowadays some companies are coming up with policies to give employees a break which may help them improve their mental health.

4. Mental health is the reason for increased crime

Poor Mental health is seen as the reason for increased crime. Victims of mental health are the ones who commit the most offensive crimes. Victims of poor mental health believe that society has wronged them and hence try to give it back to society in the form of violence.

Increased awareness about mental health and its treatment can help the government in curbing most crimes. Society needs to have a cordial approach towards the victims of poor mental health and should show them that the overall society is not that bad.

5. Mental health is the reason for suicides

Poor mental health leads to stress and depression which in turn forces the victims to take the drastic step of ending their life. One bad experience makes people believe that life is not worth living. All they need is someone to tell them that life does not end with one bad experience and that it is a precious gift that should not be ended by committing suicide.

There are helpline numbers all around the world to help people deal with depression, but that is not enough as suicide cases have been going up each year. All these people affected by poor mental health need a helping hand, which you, the reader can also provide.

As discussed above, mental health has played an important role in increased crime and suicides. The government has been doing its bit by providing helpline numbers or NGOs to help the victims, but still, there is a huge gap to fill. Most of the gap will be filled when we as individuals understand our duty to behave well with our co-workers or relatives. We should bring in the refreshed approach of seeing mental health as a normal condition, and not that the person is retarded.

I hope you gain some valuable advice from our blog. If you do, then keep following our blog to read more such informative and refreshing articles.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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