Eat Healthy Stay healthy!

Eat Healthy Stay Healthy

Sweating in the gym but still not getting Healthy? You need to follow a simple and common slogan ‘Eat Healthy Stay Healthy to feel healthy.

Of course, in addition to the healthy food you also need to exercise, but that is secondary. Though most people consider Gym or exercise as the primary source of good health, that is not really the case. Healthy food is as important or even a little more important than exercising.

Why do I say that?

Exercise melts down your additional fat or burns down calories, but if you keep on eating unhealthy food, you will never be able to maintain your health as calories will keep on adding. Eating more food than what your body requires results in its storage as fat and eating less results in weakening your body. So, you need to have a balanced diet to maintain your health. 

Eating healthy can maintain your body in good shape for a long time, though you will need to at least exercise a bit if not more.

How do you differentiate, which foods are healthy and which are not?

Ah, that is easy to figure out when you are following our blog regularly.

Tips to eat healthily

Without proper guidance, things can become messy and so we have come up with a few tips to eat healthily. Go through the below tips, to begin with.

1. Eating a lot of Fruits and Vegetables

Nature is the topmost source of health. Why do we search for answers all around the world, when we have all the answers already present in our surrounding nature? Eating fruits and vegetables obtained from nature are the healthiest.

Vegetables and fruits are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Vegetables or fruits can be consumed as juices, as meals or even as snacks. So, instead of eating burgers or chips, you can include fruits or vegetables as a snack.

Always include vegetables or fruits in your diet and especially green leafy vegetables which are good for physical as well as mental health. You can also include probiotic foods.

2. Include Fish in your diet

Yeah, they are beautiful, but this is how the food chain works, right? They are beautiful but rich in nutrients. Fishes are rich in vitamins and minerals, whereas oily fish are rich in Omega-3 fats which can help in preventing heart diseases.

Have difficulty differentiating between oily and oily fish, here is the list of both.

Oily Fish

  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Herring
  • Sardines
  • Pilchards
  • Mackerel

Non-oily Fish

  • Haddock
  • Plaice
  • Coley
  • Cod
  • Tuna
  • Skate
  • Hake

Choose fresh fish instead of canned or smoked ones and prefer to eat more of it as they are your way into good health.

3. Reduce Saturated Fat

There are two types of fats, saturated and unsaturated fats. These two are only differentiated by a single double bond. Let’s not go into the details of their composition, but rather discuss the health benefits.

Obviously, you need to include fat in your diet, but you should be careful about its quantity and the type of fat. Too much-saturated fat can lead to increased cholesterol levels which can lead to the risk of heart disease.

These are the foods that contain saturated fat, so be a bit mindful of them,

  •  Meat(the fatty edges)
  • Sausages
  • Butter
  • Hard Cheese
  • Cream
  • Cakes
  •  Biscuits
  • Lard
  • Pies

Instead of saturated fats, you can go for unsaturated fats like vegetable oil, Avocado, and oily fish. Do not totally cut away fat as it is also essential for the body. Instead, have fat in limit and mostly prefer unsaturated fat.

4. Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar too is essential for your body, but then you need to choose the right type of it. There are basically two types of it, one that is found in canned drinks and another one that is found in fruits and in milk. At all costs, avoid sugary foods which are not naturally sweet but are sweetened by adding sugar called free sugar.

Avoid the following foods as they contain free sugar,

  • Fizzy drinks
  • Cakes
  • Biscuits
  • Pastries
  • Sweets
  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol

To avoid sugary foods, you can check the label of the products that you are consuming.

5. Make Breakfast a Priority

There’s a famous saying which goes like ‘Eat breakfast like a king, have lunch like a common man and dinner like a beggar’. This saying does hold true as breakfast should never be skipped and should be given the topmost priority including a balanced meal consisting of fiber and proteins.

Do not skip breakfast to lose weight as that might backfire. Instead of skipping breakfast, you can skip other meals of the day. A good healthy breakfast will prepare you for the day to come with a lot of energy and excitement.­­­­

These were some of the healthy tips to stay healthy in the long run. Along with these tips, you can also exercise a bit if not more to compound your fitness results. We shall bring you more such healthy tips through our blog. So, keep following our blog regularly.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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