A Foolproof Diet Plan to Control Diabetes

Diet Plan to Control Diabetes

This article is for you if you are diabetic or prediabetic and are determined to reverse its effects. This article will elaborate on how to plan a diet to control diabetes.

Diabetes is when your blood sugar or blood glucose levels rise. Prediabetic is when your blood sugar levels haven’t reached that level, but are keen on reaching there shortly. Glucose or sugar is indeed needed for your body to function well but it should be well balanced. A hormone known as insulin helps glucose get into your cells, where they power up the cells and increase their effectiveness. Foods with a lot of carbohydrates suppress the function of insulin and hence raise blood sugar levels.

The foods that you eat have within them the sugar which enters your body. Foods that have a higher proportion of sugar can act in increasing blood sugar levels whereas a controlled diet can help you be free of sugar lifelong. That is the sole aim of this article, to help you with the diet if you are diabetic or if you are on the way to diabetes, that is prediabetes.

We cannot give you a perfect diet as that depends on many factors from individual to individual based on the below factors

  • The weight of the patient
  • Medicines that you are on
  • Other health conditions that you currently have
  • Your lifestyle
  • Your age

Diet for Diabetic or Prediabetic Patients

Why do people need a diet to control diabetes? How does the food that we eat affect diabetes?

Foods play a significant role in shaping your body and mind. It is the food that shapes our health, our thinking, and our lifespan.  Certain foods are rich in sugar and Carbohydrates. When the insulin in your body has a lot of sugar to transport to cells, it either loses its ability to do so or loses the capability of insulin production.

Below we do not list a perfect set of foods to control diabetes but give an idea about the foods that you can prefer, and foods that you should avoid.

Also Read: Tips to Reduce Sugar Levels

Foods to Avoid for diabetic patients

Certain foods are high in carbohydrates and hence you should either eat them in limit or avoid them at all costs.

Sugar-Sweetened beverages:

They are high in carbs and fructose which has a strong link to insulin resistance. Fructose also leads to belly fat and increased cholesterol levels.

White bread and rice:

White bread and rice are processed foods with high carbohydrates. These foods also contain fiber which slows down sugar absorption in the bloodstream.

Trans fats:

These are artificial fats that are created by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids. They are linked to growing belly fat, inflammation, and insulin resistance and hence you should avoid them at all costs.

Packaged snacks:

Packaged foods like chips have fast-digesting carbs that can rapidly raise blood sugar levels. Do not prefer packaged snacks in between, rather prefer foods like nuts as they provide nutritional value.

Sweetened breakfast cereals:

Breakfast cereals are promoted as a healthy start to the day by many food companies. However, that is not really the case. Most of the cereals are highly processed and contain carbs more than you could think of.

Foods to eat for diabetic patients

Now that we know what not to eat. Let’s set our goals straight by knowing the list of foods that can help you gain control over diabetes. Here is the list of foods that you should prefer.

Fish to control diabetes

Fishes like Salmon, Sardines, herring, mackerel, and anchovies are a great source of DHA and EPA(omega-3 fatty acids). DHA and EPA protect your blood vessel line, reduce markers of inflammation and hence improve arteries function.

Also Read: Tips to Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

Green vegetables to prevent diabetes

Green leafy vegetables are a great source of protein. They have Vitamin C which has anti-inflammatory properties. It is a known fact that people with diabetes have less vitamin C compared to those who do not have diabetes.

Avocado to control diabetes

Avocados have healthy fats, less sugar, high fiber, and low carbohydrates. Avocado is also believed to lower body weight and body mass index. Avocado can be your perfect snack and a perfect replacement for packaged snacks.

Eggs to improve heart health

Regular consumption of eggs has been connected to better heart health. Eggs are believed to decrease inflammation, increase good cholesterol levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Greek Yoghurt to reduce blood sugar levels

Greek yogurt contains lower carbohydrates and makes you feel full for a longer duration and hence controls weight. Yoghurt has been linked to a lower risk of diabetes and also helps in weight loss.

Along with the above-given preference for foods to prevent or control diabetes, you also need to take care of your lifestyle. Also, consider including exercise in your day-to-day life. Consider small things like stairs or small walks to help counter the effects of diabetes.

Stay tuned to our blog, we shall come up with more such topics in the near future!

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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