7 Daily Useful Gadgets

Top 7 Daily Useful Gadgets

Technology has come a long way, gadgets were not this abundant a decade or two ago. Do these gadgets make our life easier or do they make us lazier with each passing day, this is a topic of debate.

We are not going to stress the debate part in this article. Some of the innovative gadgets are useful in a way people wouldn’t have imagined 10 years ago. The gadgets are invented to solve a problem that exists in the world or to ease the complications of a task.

This particular article will focus on gadgets that are not huge innovations like they do not solve bigger problems but solve minor everyday problems. These particular gadgets are tiny innovations or gadgets which can ease your life in some or the other way. Keep a close look at the list as you might want to definitely try out some of these.

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1. Robot Vacuum Cleaner

This is a great gadget for people who do not have much time to clean the house. They may be parents, or working men or women who spend the whole day at the office and the next morning do not have the energy to clean the floor of their house. These save a lot of your time, which you can invest in performing other important activities. Also, the latest Vacuum Cleaners come with a voice command, so you don’t need to press a button to start it, just speak and it will do its job.

2. Bluetooth Tracker

How many times have you forgotten where you placed your keys the previous night or where you have dropped any of your essential things like your wallet or key or your phone? It happens to everybody and none of us does it on purpose.

So, what can be done? You can buy a Bluetooth tracker which can track your keys, your TV remote, your wallet, or anything essential to you that you think you could lose or misplace. It connects to your phone through which you can track this stuff. Also, you can track your mobile phone by pressing a button on the Bluetooth tracker, which will make your phone ring.

3. Smart Thermometer

Gone are the days of the traditional thermometer, it is a smart generation waiting to use smart gadgets in almost every aspect. A smart thermometer does not just track your temperature but also stores historical data for further use. These thermometers connect to your mobile via infrared and also measure liquid or environment temperatures.

4. Digital Tape measure

This one is for all those hard-working engineers or carpenters who need to measure and calculate a ton of data each day. This tape will do all the hard work for them. The digital tape comes with a laser beam that calculates the overall area and is known to be 100% accurate.

The carpenters or engineers find it tough to hold the tape from one end to another end. They need to involve one more person with them and also need to calculate the overall area after measuring the dimensions. It’s a must if your profession involves the usage of tape regularly.

5. Mug Warmer

This is a savior for working professionals working in offices or from home who like to work while sipping their coffee or tea. They are so involved in their work that they barely notice that their drink is getting colder. When they realize the hot coffee has become cold coffee they run to warm it up again.

This Mug Warmer is like a hot plate on which you can place your cup or mug and it will keep on heating it or maintain its temperature so you can even take an hour to finish the coffee and it will still be hot enough for you to enjoy.

6. Smart Speakers

Speakers at one time were used to listen to music by plugging in a ton of cables and then adjusting the volume buttons. That generation is long gone, this generation doesn’t even believe in getting up and clicking on a button to start the speaker. All you need to do, to start a Smart Speaker is speak.

You speak and it shall obey your command, you ask for temperature, ask it to set a reminder, or to play music or audiobook, it will dearly obey you. These speakers shall do everything. If you are a music lover and wish to listen to music in the morning while half asleep all you will need to do is, give these smart speakers a command and they shall obey.

7. Smart Flowerpot

Love plants, but find it hard to water them every day as you forget to water them or be confused about the quantity of water.  These smart flower plots have smart sensors that measure humidity, fertilizer, light, and temperature. According to all these factors, the Smart Flowerpot gives the input on the need for water with the measured quantity. This will send you notifications on the need for water so you remember to water it daily.

These were some of the smart gadgets to make your life easier. We admit that some gadgets can make you lazy but many among them are gadgets that are handy in saving your time and concentrating on more important tasks in your life. Do follow our blog to read more informative articles that will help you lead your life.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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