Top Finance Management Books You Should Definitely Read Atleast Once

Finance management books that you must read atleast once

Learning to manage finance should be considered a life skill. Yes, it should be as people with money management skills are among the most powerful in the world.

Obviously, because they have a large sum of money, probably more than anyone in the world. Do they have more money because they earn more than the others? Partially true, because even if you are earning more than the others and do not manage your money well, you won’t have the largest sum of money among your group.

Earning is an essential part of being rich but is not the only part. You should have good knowledge of Finance management to be rich. One thing that you can do to master your finances is to read finance management books. However, there are a ton of them on the internet, choose the best ones to read. The books provide you with valuable advice rather than boasting about their wealth.

We took it upon ourselves to read and review some of the best available finance management books. We finally have come up with a list of 5 books that subtly provide valuable advice to manage your finances. Here they are.

1. Think and grow rich- Napoleon Hill3

Each dream begins with a vision or a burning desire. This book is for you to grow that fire of believing in yourself. Be it a cricket match or an event, it should start with a burst of motivation or belief and that is the reason we have this book by Napoleon hill in the #1 position.

The book reviews the wealthiest people on the planet to bring together some common habits. It formulates 13 habits that can help you on your way to becoming rich, one of which is believing in yourself. Start your journey to financial management with this book of motivation.

A famous quote from the book:

The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat

Napoleon Hill

2. Rich Dad Poor Dad- Robert T. Kiyosaki

The story talks about Robert’s fathers’ thoughts. One is his real father and the other is his neighbor, his rich dad. People have the notion that earning or accumulating a lot of money is the way to get rich. This notion is broken in this book. The book talks about investing your money. The book says that you do not need to earn a lot to be rich but should invest in the right direction to be rich. It urges its readers to make money work for them.

A famous quote from the book:

 The poor and middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them

Robert Kiyosaki

3. Money: Master the game- Tony Robbins

A lot of interviews with the richest people and a lot of research were put together to make the content of this book. This book by Tony Robbins is set after the 2008 financial crisis. It talks about some key steps to gain financial freedom. It talks about some key steps like the power of compounding, which is often underestimated by the coming generation.

A famous quote from the book:

Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge, so it’s what you do from here(after reading the book) that will matter

Tony Robbins

4. One-page financial plan- Carl Richards

This book can be trusted with all heart, as it is written by Carl Richards, who has worked for 20 years as a financial advisor. He put all his experience into writing the book and barely missed any of the points in finance management. The book also seems attractive as it promises to plan your finance management on a single piece of paper. So, the lazy lads or the masters of procrastination can definitely head for this one.

A famous quote from the book

Budgeting isn’t about numbers. It’s about awareness

Carl Richards

5. The Intelligent Investor

Want to know what got Warren Buffet started with investing and what made him successful? Well if you are among people who want to invest like Warren Buffett, then this one’s for you. This book inspired warren buffet to start investing. The book basically talks about investing long-term in companies that have great fundamentals but are currently undervalued. It sure talks about investing but not short-term investing. The same formula was applied by the Indian successful investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. There are some strong investing tactics for sure shot profits in the book.

A famous quote from the book:

The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists

Benjamin Graham

These were some of the books to start you off with finance management. However, these books are useless unless you read them and apply them to your finance management tactics. Follow our blog regularly to receive insights about a wide range of topics including Finance management.

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Written By Himanshu Singh

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